Wealthy Finance

Wealthy Finance

Visualize and plan your finances future

    Grocery Shopping
    Monthly Salary
    New Car
    Holiday Trip


The full version of Wealthy comes with a lot more features to help you manage your finances.

Runway Visualization

See your financial future with our detailed runway chart. Understand how your spending and income will affect your financial outlook over time

    Grocery Shopping
    Monthly Salary
    New Car
    Holiday Trip

Organize Transactions

Gain better visibility into your regular expenses and income to enhance financial planning. Keep track of all your recurring transactions with ease.

Burn rate


Average monthly

Monthly Insights

Analyze your financial performance compared to the previous month. Identify spending trends and make informed budget adjustments.

Scenario Simulation

Simulate different financial scenarios to see their impact on your financial health. Plan for various possibilities and stay prepared.

Coming Soon...
    Grocery Shopping
    Monthly Salary
    New Car
    Holiday Trip

Real-Time Sync

Automatically sync your bank transactions in real time and receive instant updates. Ensure your financial records are always accurate and stay informed with real-time metrics and notifications

Coming Soon...



-9 from last month

Advanced Insights

Combine planned and actual transactions to gain deeper financial insights. Create advanced scenarios to help organize and optimize your financial plans.

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